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Keren! Dokter Israel Berhasil Pasang Kepala Seorang Anak Palestina yang Hampir Putus

Luar Biasa! Dokter Asal Israel Berhasil Pasang Kepala Bocah 12 Tahun yang Hampir Putus
Dokter yang Berhasil Operasi Kepala Sang Bocah. (Sumber: The Irish Sun) Surgeons in Israel performed a miracle surgery and managed to reattach a boy’s head after he was hit by a car while riding his bike, the Jerusalem hospital announced this week. Suleiman Hassan, a 12-year-old Palestinian from the West Bank, suffered what is known as an internal decapitation, with his skull detached from the top vertebrae of his spine – officially known as a bilateral atlanto occipital joint dislocation, according to The Times of Israel. He was riding his bike when a car hit him. The boy was rushed to Hadassah Medical Center and immediately put him into surgery in the trauma unit. The doctors said his head was “almost completely detached from the base of his neck.” Dr. Ohad Einav, the orthopedic specialist who led the operation, said the procedure took several hours and required the doctors to use “new plates and fixations in the damaged area.” “Our ability to save the child was thanks to our knowledge and the most innovative technology in the operating room,” Einav said, adding that the team “fought for the boy’s life.” Einav and his team said that Hassan has a projected survival rate of only 50%, and his recovery is nothing short of a miracle, according to i24 News.

Ayah Suleiman Berterima Kasih

Dalam pengakuan Ayah Suleiman, ia mengucapkan bahwa dirinya sangat berterima kasih kepada para ahli bedah karena telah menyelamatkan nyawa putranya.

“Terima kasih semuanya. Berkat para dokter dia mendapatkan kembali hidupnya bahkan kemungkinan hidupnya rendah dan operasi tersebut berbahaya,” kata sang ayah.

“Oleh karena itu, saya akan berterima kasih sepanjang hidup saya karena telah menyelamatkan putra satu-satunya tersayang. Memberkati kalian semua,” lanjut sang ayah.

“Yang menyelamatkannya adalah profesionalisme, teknologi, dan pengambilan keputusan yang cepat oleh tim trauma dan ortopedi. Yang bisa saya katakan hanyalah terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya,” ucap terakhir sang ayah.

Sebagai Informasi kini pihak rumah sakit telah memulangkan Hassan, namun ia pulang dengan belat serviks. Oleh karena itu pihak rumah sakit masih akan terus memantau pemulihannya meskipun sang bocah itu tidak di rumah sakit lagi. (els/fau)